Boilers Info
Difference Between Gases and COOpen or Close
About Gases:
- Gases, referred to flammable gases generally, that are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-toxic. An artificaial smell added to gases is the source of the odor.
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), also called Natural Gas (NG), is primarily composed of methane.
- NG is lighter than air, so it will disperse into the atmosphere.
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), also called propane tank or LPG tank, is primarily composed of propane and butane.
- LPG gas (vapor) is heavier than air, so it will settle when leaking indoors.
- Gas explosions can occur when gases are exposed to an ignition source such as heat or fire.
(Check the following chart about carbon monoxide (CO).)
學名 英文名稱 化學式 爆炸下限 比重(空氣=1) 甲烷 Methane CH4 5% 0.55 丙烷 Propane C3H8 2.1% 1.56 丁烷 Butane C4H10 1.9% 2.01 異丁烷 Isobutane C4H10 1.8% 2.01 二、認識一氧化碳:
- 一氧化碳(簡稱CO),是無色、無味和無臭的毒性氣體。
- 低濃度的一氧化碳,長期暴露就會頭痛、噁心、疲倦感。
- 高濃度時抽蓄、無意識,嚴重者1~3分鐘立即死亡。
- 一氧化碳比空氣輕,很容易飄入室內。
一氧化碳濃度 暴露時間對人體的影響 50PPM 一般而言8小時內尚無徵狀。(OSHA*最大允許暴露條件) 200PPM 2~3小時內輕微頭痛、噁心、疲倦感、暈眩。 400PPM 1~2小時內劇烈頭痛、噁心、疲倦感、頭暈。 800PPM 45分內噁心,抽搐,2小時內無意識,2~3小時內可能死亡。 1600PPM 20分內頭痛、噁心、無意識,1小時內可能死亡。 3200PPM 5~10分內頭痛、噁心、無意識,25~30分內可能死亡。 6400PPM 1~2分內頭痛、噁心、無意識,大約在30分鐘之內死亡。 12800PPM 1~3分內立即死亡。